Real Experiences

smoke damageWe’ve maintained high client satisfaction and helped a number of homeowners restore their property following fires, water damage, and natural disaster. The following success stories are just a small sampling of client’s we’ve helped in the past:

Fire/ Smoke

We received a call one afternoon from an insurance agent saying one of his clients needed our services. I contacted the homeowner and found out she’d experienced a home fire caused by her clothes dryer. The damage covered the walls in the laundry room, destroyed her flooring, and caused smoke damage throughout the entire home. To make matters worse, the fire department had to spray to put out the fire. Our client was dealing with damage from water, fire, and smoke; all resulting from a damaged appliance. We began working immediately by helping our client coordinate moving all of her belongings out of the home to be cleaned off site. There were a total of 95 bags of clothing that had to be inventoried and dry cleaned. Furnishings and everything inside the home had to be inventoried, and items that could not be cleaned had to be discarded. All the flooring needed to be replaced in the kitchen and dining room, and the remaining flooring required extensive cleaning to mitigate the smell of smoke and soot.  The laundry room required drying and reconstruction.

The fire reconstruction process took a total of three weeks. Throughout the entire process, the homeowner was appreciative of our work, and the timely manner in which we’d responded to her fire damage. When she returned to the home, all signs of the fire, smoke, and water damage were gone. The home was returned to its original state without losing value, and she was another happy customer.

Water damage

In early January 2013, 5ive Star Restore received a call from a local insurance agent. One of their clients returned home from work to discover water pouring out of her front door. Our crew arrived onsite within one hour of the initial call. We immediately assessed the situation to determine how to quickly minimize the risk of any further damage. Our on-call project manager explained to the homeowner in detail what she could expect in the coming days of their home restoration.

Our team successfully dried the client’s home in a matter of days, ahead of schedule. The homeowners were so impressed with our team, they choose to use our services to repair the entire extent of the water damage. Over the next three weeks, we removed, and replaced all floor coverings. We replaced the client’s cabinets, fixed damaged drywall, and painted. Once the process was complete, we thoroughly cleaned the home to remove any signs of construction. Our team also performed some additional actions, raising the client’s home value to a higher level than before the water damage occurred.